Saturday, June 28, 2008

Bloomfield Farmer's Market is Back!

YES - it is that time again!

1 - 7 p.m. every Thursday

Come to Venner Park (around the water fountain on Bloomfield Ave./State St./Liberty St).

Vendors are selling:

* Fresh Produce and Garden items
* Artisan Breads, Hummus, Specialty Gourmet Items!
* Homemade Organic Baked Goods including chocolate, nuts, breads, cookies, scones!

Visit or call 973-429-8050 for more info.

Monday, May 19, 2008

WHNA Annual "Trash to Cash" Neighborhood Yard Sale!

When: Saturday, June 14th
Where: In front of your house!
Time: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

The WHNA’s annual “TRASH TO CASH” will be held on Saturday, June 14th. If you wish to participate please print out and fill out the form below, and mail your check for $10 made payable to: WHNA, PO Box 1783, Bloomfield, NJ 07003.
We will do all the advertising for you and arrange to have all necessary permits issued as well as provide useful tips for a successful sale and a map of all participants that you can hand out.

You can also call and leave your information on our phone line (973-680-WHNA) and someone will get back to you.
Watsessing Heights, Bloomfield
Neighborhood-Wide Garage/Yard Sale

Turn your “Trash to Cash”
Join our neighborhood-wide yard sale

June 14th (Rain date June 15th)
9:00 to 4:00

Cost to participate: $10.00, which covers:
- Town permit
- Advertising to newspapers, and
- Your site included on the “Trash to Cash” map!

(This is a savings of over $30: Advertising in one paper costs $25 and the town permit costs $10. We will advertise in three papers and secure town permit – all for $10.)

For more information please contact Bill at (973-748-8808) or Karen (973-727-5389)
Sign up today!

Name _____________________________________________

Address (of yard sale) ________________________________

Phone Number ______________________________________

E-mail _____________________________________________

To guarantee your site is on the map, return this form with your payment ($10 check payable to WHNA) by May 30 to:

WHNA, Inc.
PO Box 1783
Bloomfield, NJ 07003
Attn: T2C

Sunday, April 20, 2008

WHNA Sponsored Little League Team Off to a Great Start!

The WHNA Little League Team, posing with Coach Steve Rosenberger (upper left) and WHNA President Anne Prince (to his immediate right).

Play Ball!

Team WHNA, once again coached by WHNA member Steve Rosenberger, is off to a great start! They are now undefeated at 3-0 for the season to date.

Below is their schedule for the remaining season:

Tuesday 4/29 – Palagano vs WHNA 6pm @ Felton Field
Saturday 5/3 – WHNA vs Kane 3:30pm @ Wrights Field
Wednesday 5/7 – WHNA vs Senorita's 6pm @ Felton Field
Saturday, 5/10 – WHNA vs Palagano 11am @ Felton Field
Wednesday 5/14 – Kane vs WHNA 6pm @ Felton Field
Saturday 5/17 – Senorita's vs WHNA 11am @ Felton Field
Friday, 5/23 – Palagano vs WHNA 6pm @ Felton Field
Tuesday, 5/27 – WHNA vs Kane 6pm @ Felton Field
Wednesday, 6/4 – WHNA vs Senorita’s 6pm@ Wrights Field
Saturday 6/7 – Minor A All-Star Game TBA

Come on out and support the WHNA team next Saturday!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

It's Time to Join the WHNA for 2008!

It's the time of year the WHNA asks your help in continuing our mission by renewing your membership or joining us for the first time! This is our 10th year in existence! Although much has been accomplished, there is always more to do.

You can download and print a membership form from our website, at this address: To join, please fill it out and return the form, with your dues, to WHNA, Inc., P.O. Box 1783, Bloomfield, NJ 07003. (Suggested dues are $25 per household but any amount will make you a member.)

Why join?

We need volunteers and members to keep making a difference in the neighborhood for you.

By joining our organization, you give us the "strength of numbers" to be able to influence decisions being made by the Township.

In addition, although the WHNA is a non-profit organization, money from your dues is needed to carry out projects such as new plantings on the "island" between Glenwood Avenue and Prospect Street, printing of brochures promoting the neighborhood, and supplies for social events and meetings.

Below are some of the most important accomplishments of the WHNA over the past decade:

In partnership with the Township of Bloomfield, the WHNA received two Community Development Block Grants, which were used to revitalize the storefronts and streetscape on the corner of Carteret Street and Morse Avenue, and to upgrade the Glenwood Avenue corridor with new Belgian block curbs, sidewalks, trees and street repaving. A third CDBG grant has been received for upgrading Carteret Street where it extends from Glenwood Avenue to Prospect Street facing Watsessing School. We expect this work to take place in 2008.

The WHNA worked with Essex County to upgrade the playgrounds in Watsessing Park at Conger Street and the East Orange section of the park at Cleveland Terrace, as well as designing and adding an additional playground near the entrance to the park on Glenwood Avenue.

We created a tax-exempt sister organization, the Watsessing Park Conservancy, which was has received several Green Acres Grants in partnership with Essex County, which are being used to implement a myriad of improvements in Watsessing Park.

The WHNA and WPC were the driving force behind the creation of the Dog Park in Watsessing Park and worked with the County and NJDEP to design the facility, the first of its kind in Essex County. One of our members has also created a “Watsessing Dog Park” Forum ( to enable dog owners to chat about the dog park.

The WHNA and WPC have jointly hosted park cleanups each year since 1998 in partnership with the County and the Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission.

The WHNA has promoted our neighborhood through publishing our own Watsessing Heights Newsletter (distributed to 1100 households in the neighborhood and mailed to over 200 officials, realtors and local businesses), as well as through publicity in local newspapers and other media outlets.

The WHNA has also publicized our neighborhood through our website at and the WHNA and WPC blogs, which were created in 2007 to encourage an interactive conversation among neighbors and expand our ability to keep the neighborhood informed of activities. (The WPC blog is linked at the sidebar).

The WHNA has held numerous social events during the past 10 years, including Evenings at the Theatre, Summer Socials in the park, the Holiday Socials at Felicity Tower, and annual “Trash to Cash” neighborhood garage sales.

Please join the WHNA for the year 2008. Let's continue to "make a difference" in our neighborhood!